Ryan Germain
Department of Ecoscience
Aarhus University
CV & Links

Much of my work is highly integrative and involves varied methods and expertise. Luckily, I have amassed a rogue’s gallery of fantastic collaborators who share my enthusiasm for team-based research. The following (non-exhaustive) list provides an example of collaborators past and present and their research interests.
Peter Arcese: Ecology, evolution, and conservation of bird, mammal, and plant populations
Shaohong Feng: Comparative genomics, macro-evolution, origin of complex traits
Pirmin Nietlisbach: Relationships among inbreeding, heterozygosity, and fitness
David Nogués-Bravo: Global biodiversity, paleo-ecology
Pete Marra: Conservation and ecology of migratory birds
Laurene Ratcliffe: Behavioural ecology, year-round population ecology of migratory birds
Jane Reid: Evolutionary ecology of extra-pair reproduction and inbreeding
Matt Reudink: Ornamental plumage signalling, evolution of signalling/molt strategies
Richard Schuster: Systematic conservation planning in human-dominated landscapes
Scott Sillett: Full life-cycle demography of migratory and resident populations
Corey Tarwater: Population demography, among-individual variation in fitness
Mike Webster: Ecology and evolution of reproductive behaviour and sexual signals
Matthew Wolak: Quantitative genetics of life-history traits
Guojie Zhang: Comparative genomics, diversification and adaptation