Ryan Germain
Department of Ecoscience
Aarhus University

Peer-reviewed publications
35. Germain RR†, Feng S†, Chen G, Graves GR, Tobias JA, Rahbek C, Lei F, Fjeldså J, Hosner PA, Gilbert MTP, Zhang G, Nogués-Bravo D (2023) Species-specific traits mediate avian demographic histories under past climate change. Nature Ecology and Evolution 7: 862–872. Link †Equal authorship contributions.
34. Nelson-Flower MJ, Grieves L, Reid JM, Germain RR, Lazic S, Taylor SS, MacDougall-Shackleton EA, Arcese P (2023) Immune genes, immune responses, and survival in a wild bird population. Molecular Ecology 32: 3044–3059. PDF
33. Germain RR, Feng S, Buffan L, Carmona CP, Chen G, Graves GR, Tobias JA, Rahbek C, Lei F, Fjeldså J, Hosner PA, Gilbert MTP, Zhang G, Nogués-Bravo D. (2023) Changes in the functional diversity of modern bird species over the last million years. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 120: e2201945119. PDF
32. Higgins TA, Wilcox RC, Germain RR, Tarwater CE (2022) Behavioral traits vary with intrinsic factors and impact local survival in song sparrows. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 134: 278–290. PDF
31. Odom KJ, Araya-Salas M, Morano JL, Ligon RA, Leighton GA, Taff CC, Dalziell AH, Billings AC, Germain RR, Pardo M, Guimarães de Andrade L, Hedwig D, Keen SC, Shiu Y, Charif RA, Webster MS, Rice AN (2021) Comparative bioacoustics: a roadmap for quantifying and comparing animal sounds across diverse taxa. Biological Reviews 96: 1135–1159. PDF
30. Germain RR, Hallworth MT, Kaiser SA, Sillett TS, Webster MS (2021) Variance in within-pair reproductive success influences the opportunity for selection annually and over the lifetimes of males in a multi-brooded songbird. Evolution 75: 915–930. PDF
29. Delmore KE, Van Doren BM, Conway G, Curk T, Garrido-Garduño T, Germain RR, Hasselmann T, Hiemer D, van der Jeugd HP, Justen H, Ramos JSL, Maggini I, Meyer BS, Phillips RJ, Remisiewicz M, Roberts GCM, Sheldon BC, Vogl W, Liedvogel M (2020) Individual variability and versatility in an eco-evolutionary model of avian migration. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 287: 20201339 PDF
28. Schuster R†, Germain RR†, Bennette JR, Reo NJ, Arcese P (2019) Vertebrate biodiversity on Indigenous-managed lands in Australia, Brazil, and Canada equals that in protected areas. Environmental Science and Policy 101: 1–6. †Equal authorship contributions. PDF
27. Nelson-Flower MJ, Germain RR, MacDougall-Shackleton EA, Taylor SS, Arcese P (2018) Purifying selection in the toll-like receptors of song sparrows Melospiza melodia. Journal of Heredity 109: 501–509. PDF
26. Germain RR†, Wolak ME†, Reid JM (2018) Individual repeatability and heritability of divorce in a wild population. Biology Letters 14: 20180061. †Equal authorship contributions. PDF
25. Tarwater CE, Germain RR, Arcese P (2018) Context-dependent effects of natal traits on lifetime reproductive success using a long-term study of a temperate songbird. The Auk: Ornithological Advances 135: 609–621. PDF
Winner of Brina C. Kessel Award for most outstanding article published in The Auk (2018-2020) PDF
24. Johnson KM, Germain RR, Tarwater CE, Reid JM, Arcese P (2018) Demographic consequences of invasion by a native, controphic competitor to an insular bird population. Oecologia 187: 155–165. PDF
23. Germain RR, Arcese P, Reid JM (2018) The consequences of polyandry for sibship structures, distributions of relationships and relatedness, and potential for inbreeding in a wild population. The American Naturalist 191: 638–657. PDF
22. Germain RR, Schuster R, Tarwater CE, Hochachka WM, Arcese P (2018) Adult survival and reproductive rate are linked to habitat preference in territorial, year-round resident Song Sparrows Melospiza melodia. Ibis 160: 568–581. PDF
21. Visty HE, Wilson S, Germain RR, Krippel J, Arcese P (2018) Demography of sooty fox sparrows following a shift from a migratory to resident life history. Canadian Journal of Zoology 96: 436–440. PDF
20. Losdat S, Germain RR, Nietlisbach P, Arcese P, Reid JM (2018) No evidence of inbreeding depression in sperm performance traits in wild song sparrows. Ecology and Evolution 8: 1842–1852. PDF
19. Duthie AB, Bocedi G, Germain RR, Reid JM (2018) Evolution of pre-copulatory and post-copulatory inbreeding behaviour and associated polyandry. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 31: 31–45. PDF
18. Crombie M†, Germain RR†, Arcese P† (2017) Nest-site preference and reproductive performance of song sparrows nesting in historically-extant and invading shrub species. Canadian Journal of Zoology 95: 115–121. †Equal authorship contributions. PDF
17. Germain RR, Wolak ME, Arcese P, Losdat S, Reid JM (2016) Direct and indirect genetic and fine-scale locations effects on breeding date in song sparrows. Journal of Animal Ecology 85: 1613–1624. PDF
16. Wilson MJ, Ramey TL, Donaldson MR, Germain RR, Perkin EK (2016) Communicating science: sending the right message to the right audience. FACETS 1: 127–137. PDF
15. Delmore KE, Toews DPL, Germain RR, Owens GL, Irwin DE (2016) The genetics of seasonal migration and plumage color. Current Biology 26: 2167–2173. PDF
14. Delmore KE, Kenyon HL, Germain RR, Irwin DE (2015) Phenotypic divergence during speciation is inversely associated with differences in seasonal migration. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 282: 20151921. PDF
13. Germain RR, Schuster R, Delmore KE, Arcese P (2015) Habitat preference facilitates successful early breeding in an open-cup nesting songbird. Functional Ecology 29: 1522–1532. PDF
12. Gow EA, Germain RR, Krippel J, Arcese P (2015) BOOK REVIEW - Climate change and birds: impacts and conservation responses. Journal of Field Ornithology 86: 85–88. PDF
11. Reid JM, Arcese P, Keller LF, Germain RR, Duthie AB, Losdat S, Wolak ME, Nietlisbach P (2015). Quantifying inbreeding avoidance through extra-pair reproduction. Evolution 69: 59–74. PDF
10. Tonra CT, Marini KLD, Marra PP, Germain RR, Holberton RL, Reudink MW (2014) Color expression in experimentally regrown feathers of an overwintering migratory bird: implications for signaling and seasonal interactions. Ecology and Evolution 4: 1222–1232. PDF
9. Nietlisbach P, Germain RR, Bousquet CAH (2014) Observations of Glaucous-winged Gulls preying on passerines at a Pacific Northwest colony. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 126: 155–158. PDF
8. Germain RR, Arcese P (2014) Distinguishing individual quality from habitat preference and quality in a territorial passerine. Ecology 95: 436–445. PDF
7. Schuster R, Römer H, Germain RR (2013) Using multi-scale distribution and movement effects along a montane highway to identify optimal crossing locations for a large-bodied mammal community. PeerJ 1:e189. PDF
6. Osmond MM, Reudink MW, Germain RR, Marra PP, Nocera JJ, Boag PT, Ratcliffe LM (2013) Relationships between carotenoid-based female plumage and age, reproduction and mate colour in the American Redstart (Setophaga ruticilla). Canadian Journal of Zoology 91: 589–595. PDF
5. Bulté G, Germain RR, O’Connor CM, Blouin-Demers G (2013) Sexual dichromatism in the Northern Map Turtle, Graptemys geographica. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 12: 187–192. PDF
4. Germain RR, Reudink MW, Marra PP, Boag PT, Ratcliffe LM (2012) Delayed maturation of multiple signals in a migratory songbird. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 66: 419–431. PDF
3. Germain RR, Marra PP, Kyser TK, Ratcliffe LM (2010) Adult-like plumage coloration predicts winter territory quality and timing of arrival on the breeding grounds of yearling male American Redstarts. The Condor 112: 676–682. PDF
2. Germain RR†, McKellar AE† (2010) SPECIES ACCOUNT - The American Redstart/Paruline Flamboyante. Opinicon Natural History. Published online 6 October 2010. †Equal authorship contributions. Link
1. Germain RR, Reudink MW, Marra PP, Ratcliffe LM (2010) Carotenoid-based male plumage predicts parental investment in the American Redstart (Setophaga ruticilla). The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 122: 318–325. PDF